Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Workshops and Development

Our sessions can be tailored to fit your needs, and/or we can bring workshops focusing on:

Diversity Is Counting Heads, Equity and Inclusion
and Justice Ensures that Every Head Counts

Examining Microaggressions and Implicit Bias to Become Allies and Accomplices

What’s In a Name: Pronouns, Gender and the Rainbow

Tippin’ Tables and Washin’ Feet: Being a Social Justice Leader in His Image

Undocumented Student Success in a Nation Focused on Building Walls

In Whose Honor: Native Imagery and Mascots, and so much more

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Workshops & Development

As change agents and as our society becomes more diverse, the organizations and individuals that go beyond performative diversity, and to equity, inclusion, and justice.

Successful organizations know that people want to feel valued beyond their mere value as a commodity; they want to feel a sense of true belonging.

Our workshops are designed to go deeper, beyond simply diversity metrics to eliminate personal and organizational barriers to becoming inclusive just allies and even accomplices.